4 Essential Business Security Protections 

December 2, 2020 8:44 am Published by

Protecting your business is top priority. Not only does that mean staying afloat in a shaky economy caused by a pandemic, but also keeping your workplace safe from intrusions, natural disasters, and theft. As home and business security experts for over 60 years, we here at Instant Alarm have multiple business services that can keep your company safe from all sorts of potential hazards, from intruders, to fire, to carbon monoxide leaks, and employee access permissions. 

Here are our 4 essential security features that every business should have as protection. 

security pass

Business Alarm System 

Whether your workforce is currently remote or in the workplace, every business should have an alarm system. We offer both wired and wireless solutions that include door/window contacts, motion detectors, and glass back sensors. This can protect your business from intrusion, theft and robbery. 

Included in our alarm systems are panic buttons that can help protect employees in a situation where there is an emergency or an intruder. We also offer alarm systems that can help identify and deter internal theft issues.

Fire and CO Alarm Systems 

Commercial fire and alerting systems are legally required in almost all commercial, retail, and industrial buildings depending on use and local regulations. Fire and/or a buildup of carbon monoxide can occur in any business and it is best to be able to alert your employees and plan for a safe evacuation. Early fire and CO detection can save lives and potentially your business.

We design, install, monitor, and perform inspections for commercial fire alarm systems and  provide the monitoring of building sprinkler systems. Your fire alarm system will be monitored by our operators at our own UL Listed central monitoring station.


Access Control Systems 

Many companies have distinct access control permissions depending upon the area of the business and the individual employee. We can install access control systems that will allow or deny access depending upon a keypass. Our system can also provide a report of persons entering your building and where they have been in the facility. 

With our access control system your business will be able to limit access to computer and file rooms, and other areas where critical and confidential information is maintained. 

Security Cameras

Depending on the type of business you own, you may need security cameras on the exterior of your building or the interior, or both. Our expert team of security installers can choose the right locations to help your property maintain the utmost safety and security. 

Our camera systems will allow your business to review footage with a high definition camera, record and replay security events, search for incidences or a specific event, and view your camera remotely on a smart device. This will allow you to monitor customers, employees, and external threats on a daily basis to keep your business safe and secure.

These four essential components of your security system can protect your business from all kinds of threats both internal and external. Take a closer look at our systems or contact us for a free estimate.