5 Security & Safety Tips for Spring

March 6, 2024 9:00 am Published by

March is the start of spring cleaning and also begins the process of inspecting and reprogramming your home’s security systems. It’s important to keep your property clean from dirt and any kind of disease, but it’s also vital to keep your home safe from any security or alarm issues. Here are five tips to keep your home safe in the spring.  

Inspect Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors 

We spring forward with our clocks in springtime, so why not spring forward and get ahead on alarms and detectors? It’s easy during the winter months to feel lazy and forget to clean out our alarms. Make sure to clean your fire and carbon monoxide detectors of dirt and dust. 

It’s important to check for beeping or chirping sounds while cleaning our alarms. If you can hear any kind of chirping, it might be time to replace the batteries or completely buy a new smoke and carbon monoxide detector. One tip is to connect your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to your security systems. 

Clean and Reposition Security Cameras

Winter weather brings snow, sleet, and all kinds of weather disasters to your home. Once the warm season hits, check your security cameras outside to make sure they are still intact. You might need to dust them off a bit, based on how the winter weather hit your home. Simultaneously, you will most likely need to reposition your cameras, as it is common for them to move due to the winter winds. 

If you’d like to add new security cameras outside your home, experts recommend mounting them eight to ten feet from the ground. 

Keep Windows and Doors Closed

When it gets warmer, you might be enticed to open your windows and doors to let the fresh air in. However, this could cause unwanted visitors in your home and potential dangers. Some homeowners even decide to keep their doors unlocked, which is a big safety hazard for anyone involved. If you do need the windows open for ventilation reasons, make sure they are only open when you are home and close them when no one is in the home. This also means keeping garage doors secure and closed at all times.  

Upgrade Security System

Springtime brings new beginnings. Flowers are blooming. Trees are budding. It’s time to upgrade your security system. You should upgrade or at least update your security system every five to ten years. However, there might be reasons to upgrade your system sooner.

You can update your current control panel board for a newer model, switch to wireless monitoring, install a new keypad, and even add smart home features to help you modernize. 

Springtime is a new beginning for you and your home. Make sure you are updating your security systems like you are cleaning your home. You’ll only have yourself to thank once you are completely safe and in control of your systems. How will you update your security and alarm systems this springtime?