Are Your Windows & Doors Burglarproof? 

November 2, 2022 2:29 pm Published by

When we envision a thief breaking into a home, we often conjure up an image of a person clad in black breaking windows, picking locks, or bashing down doors to gain access to a home. Surprisingly, the most common way a criminal gains entrance to a home is through a door or window that has not been locked. They merely turn the handle and voila, they are in! 

The Criminal Justice Information Services Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation reports 1,401,840 burglaries annually on average with 57.5% of all burglaries involving forcible entry. That means that approximately 43% of burglaries do not employ forceable entry, rather the criminals gain access through an open or unlocked door or window. 

How burglarproof are your windows and doors? Let’s explore this a little further and see how secure your home really is. 

handcuffed man

What the Statistics Tell Us

According to a Nationwide report, “about 1/3 of would-be burglars use an open window or door to walk right into your home.” That means that far too many homeowners are under the false impression that their community, neighborhood, or street is protected somehow and fail to take the necessary precautions to safeguard their homes. 

A similar study by Research Gate shows that “41% of burglars admitted that a home burglary crime was born from opportunity, so securing your windows and doors is a great first step in helping to burglar-proof your home.”

Techniques to Tighten Your Window and Door Security 

Securing your windows and doors does not need to be exceptionally costly, and in some cases will merely cost you a tiny bit of energy and time. 

#1 Lock It Up 

Step one in tightening your home security is to stop trusting that no one will take advantage of your unlocked windows and doors. No matter how quick your trip to pick up your children, or run to the store — lock your door and windows. Given that crimes of opportunity are what burglars look for, take this easy step to deter your home from looking like a prime pick on your street. Many home security systems offer remote locks to make doing this even easier should you forget.

#2 Increase Visibility 

Is your property shrouded in darkness? Do shrubs block your windows allowing for an easy hiding place for criminals? 

Take these two scenarios into consideration when looking to further secure your doors and windows. Lighting, especially motion-activated lighting can be very helpful in deterring an intruder who is surprised by the sudden illumination of the property. Trimming back bushes near your entryway and windows can also be helpful in securing your property. 

#3 Door & Window Sensors 

A sensor on your front and back doors along with your first-floor windows can alert residents if someone has entered the home. 

These sensors can be independent or as a part of a comprehensive home security system. If you choose to have it as a part of your home security system, you could receive alerts through your smartphone to keep you abreast of what’s happening while you are away from home. 

#4 Secure Pet Doors 

Not all criminals are large. Some may be able to fit through your pet door undetected. Be sure to use a collar-activated pet door, or have a sensor attached to this area as well. Combined with surveillance and you have your bases covered! 

Since an overwhelming majority of burglars enter homes through the doors and windows, shoring up these areas is the first line of defense against having your home become a crime scene. Talk to our team about comprehensive home security systems and how they can help give you and your family peace of mind.