Preventing Business Loss with Video Surveillance

April 9, 2019 7:23 am Published by

How safe is your business?

You take ample steps to provide locks and alarm systems on the doors and access locations to deter physical threats. You beefed up your digital security with new antivirus software and state-of-the-art firewalls to keep out cybercriminals.

But what have you done to prevent internal threats such as thefts from employees? Let’s take a closer look at how to protect your business from loss with the use of video surveillance.

Most employees are honest, hardworking, and loyal. However, there are enough documented cases of employee fraud and theft. This will make you consider how technology, like video surveillance systems, can help your business prevent and recoup losses caused by these malicious actions.

How Common is Employee Theft?

According to CBS MoneyWatch, a typical organization loses 5% of its annual revenue to employee fraud.

Think your small or medium-sized business is immune to the rate of employee theft? Think again.

A new study by Hiscox, a global specialist insurer, found that U.S. businesses affected by employee theft lost an average of $1.13 million in 2016. Small and midsize businesses were hit disproportionately, representing 68 percent of the cases. Their median loss last year was $289,864.


Security CCTV camera in office buildingHow Can Video Surveillance Help?

The mere presence of video cameras (and signage that indicates that cameras are being used) in the workplace is enough to deter an employee from stealing. This is encouraged especially for those businesses that deal in cash flow, and have a lot money on hand. The thought of getting caught may be just enough to make an employee consider the consequences of even small thefts.


In addition to being a deterrent, surveillance cameras that are monitored 24/7 can catch even the stealthiest criminal in the act. The extra set of eyes on merchandise or cash registers can help when a criminal is caught and prosecuted. Recouping the monetary loss is then easier and allows for physical proof of the crime.


Where To Place Video Surveillance?

Surveillance systems can help in many locations throughout your business. Video cameras used in areas where employees check in and out can help prevent timesheet fraud. Use the video cameras where products are stored to make sure your inventory remains safe. Lastly, place video cameras above cash registers. By installing a security camera pointed at the register, you can catch employee theft and deter customers from committing a crime.


Do you need help deciding on the right video surveillance system for your business? Do you know that appropriate places to place these systems? Call Instant Alarm and our specialists can visit your store or company and complete a comprehensive evaluation of your high threat areas.  If you are interested in hearing more about our video surveillance systems or any of our alarm systems, call 800-499-9070 or visit our website at